Wednesday, May 20, 2015

#connected - Brighton First Stewardship Team Picks 2015 Theme for Stewardship Campaign

This fall, congregation members at Brighton First are going to get #connected. They will hear testimonies about how people are getting #connected to Jesus Christ through the ministries of Brighton First and how community members are #connected through Brighton First outreach. The testimony is meant to inspire congregation members to be #connected to Brighton First through their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
Logo for 2015 Brighton First Stewardship Campaign

The Brighton First Stewardship Team designs an annual campaign, asking congregation members to make a financial commitment to the church. The financial campaign will begin in early September and end in late October. Last year, the Stewardship Team discovered that by extending the campaign over six weeks and adding weekly reminders and inspirational stories that the congregation responded generously. Financial pledges increased by 5%.

The theme #connected will celebrate the connections that congregation members have with God, with each other, with the community and the world. Campaign leaders intend to celebrate all the connections as a gift from God and to encourage congregation members to support those connections through a financial pledge.

The Stewardship Team is aware of the Vital Church Initiative process and is working to reflect the goals of intentional hospitality, disciple making and community outreach. In all of these areas, God calls us to be #connected.

In addition, the Stewardship Team chose a theme that would complement the worship series for September and October, "Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Digital World". Each week's sermon will center on a relational skill that keeps us #connected to one another and to God through Jesus Christ.

Look for promotional material and more information about the campaign beginning in mid-August. Please be in prayer for the Stewardship Team as they, with many members of the congregation, prepare to get us #connected.

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