Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rev. Loretta Job serves on the VCI Implementation Team and leads the Faith Development Task Force

Rev. Loretta Job, an ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church, serves on the staff of Brighton First as the Director of Congregational Care and Faith Formation. She is a leader in the Vital Church Initiative process, sitting on the VCI Implementation Team and leading the Faith Development Team.

Loretta has 15 years of experience in ministry at Brighton First. As part of the Implementation Team, she brings a solid knowledge of day-to-day ministry at the church, both its areas of strength and places where it can grow. Loretta has skills in resourcing and creativity, as well as knowledge of spiritual development in the Christian tradition. These are assets she will be using as she leads the
Faith Development Team.

As a deacon, Loretta works with other clergy (elders) appointed at Brighton First to share in congregational care for all who call this church their home. She believes that showing God's love and care for all people is primary to our life as Christians. Loretta directs the efforts of the lay caring programs in the areas of welcoming, visitation, home communion, prayer quilts and prayer shawls.

Loretta also directs in the area of faith formation, resourcing class leaders and helping to organize and begin small groups. Loretta also leads Bible and book studies throughout the year.

In addition to her ministry at Brighton First, Loretta serves on the Ann Arbor District Committee (of the United Methodist Church) on Ordained Ministry, as a member of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, as the Liaison of the Order of the Deacons for the Ann Arbor District and on the Board of Directors of the VINA Dental Clinic (housed on Brighton First's campus).

Loretta has been married to Larry for the past 31 years, and they have two grown children. When she is not at church, Loretta enjoys walking around Brighton, visiting family and friends, knitting and eating Larry's wonderful cooking!

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