Wednesday, June 3, 2015

New Voices Added to Worship Leadership at Brighton First

Beginning in late June, Brighton First will see a change in worship leadership. Instead of two clergy doing most of the talking, worship leadership will be shared by trained lay people. Each week both clergy and lay people will work to bring relevant and inspiring worship.

Brighton First has a group of Lay Servants, trained through the United Methodist Church, who will assist with offering announcements, prayer and communion. Our current team of Lay Servants include: Carolyn Combs, Carol Kapustka, Bob Fuchs, Greg Guise, Stephanie Nichoff,  John Phillips, and Bruce Stark. They have taken courses in church and worship leadership. Some have taken specialized courses including prayer, sermon writing, small group leadership and storytelling.

As part of the Vital Church Initiative, we work to assist congregation members in identifying their gifts and passions for ministry. It is our goal to invite people into areas of ministry where God will use them in powerful ways. If you have skills in public speaking and are feeling called to assist with leading worship at Brighton First, please speak to Pastor Sherry or Deacon Loretta.

The Lay Servant program offers classes in the fall and in the spring. Click here to find out more information being a United Methodist Lay Servant ,

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