Wednesday, June 10, 2015

VCI Implementation Team Determines Purpose, Discusses Importance of Communication

The Vital Church Initiative Implementation Team outlined its purpose at a June 9th meeting. The team will keep current with the activities of VCI teams and task forces. It will work to maintain the momentum and integrity of the overall VCI process at Brighton First. The team has determined to lead by example, ensure that the process is led by the church's vision and will offer support to teams and task forces. The VCI Implementation Team has also determined that communicating the purpose and vision, as well as communicating implementation progress to the congregation is essential.

The team also agreed on a covenant among team members and discussed the book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. The five dysfunctions are: Absence of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, and Inattention to Results. The team discussed not only what it meant to function as a healthy implementation team, but also how to monitor other teams who are working on the VCI prescriptions to make sure they are working well.

Liaisons to other currently formed teams are: Dan Welton will be the liaison with Pastor Sherry. Kris Philips will connect with the Worship Design Team. Sue Urban will be the liaison to the Hospitality Task Force and Chris Attarian will be connected to the Faith Development Team. As new teams are formed, other members of the Implementation Team will become area liaisons.

At its next meeting on Tuesday, July 21, the team will determine specific measurable results that it will be looking for in the implementation of the Vital Church Initiative Prescriptions.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Implementation Team: Tom Dartt (chairperson), Sherry Parker, Loretta Job, Chris Attarian, Dan Welton, Kris Phillips, John Phillips, Bob Fuchs, Karen Wagg, and Sue Urban

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