Bulletin Cover February 17, 2013
Dear Friends,
On this first Sunday in Lent we begin a journey. In the weeks ahead, we will meet people that Jesus encountered on the road as he made his way to Jerusalem. We have the opportunity, as we make our way toward Jesus’ death and resurrection, to prepare our hearts and minds. My hope is that each of us will find time in this Lenten season for worship, prayer and reflection.
Jesus walked approximately 70 miles from the Sea of Galilee to Jerusalem. We are inviting congregation members to take on the challenge of a 70 mile walk with Jesus this Lent (46 days). You will find a sheet with scripture readings for each mile as you exit the sanctuary. If you do not walk distances, I invite you to use the scripture readings for daily reflection before walking to get the mail or other errands.
And this Lent, we will be considering another walk. There are places in the world where clean, safe water is scarce. People walk miles each day to bring water to their homes. They drink from the same streams where they wash their clothing and animals are watered. Keeping this difficult walk in mind, our congregation is going to give the gift of a well to at least one village in Liberia.
Historically, Lent is a season for forgiveness and reconciliation. Today we observe this season with self-examination and repentance, prayer, fasting and self-denial. It is a journey that prepares us for the mercy of Jesus Christ. I pray that your walk this Lent is filled with grace.
Pastor Sherry
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