March 17, 2013 Bulletin Cover
Dear Friends,
When it comes to worship,
there are things that we expect. We expect that our musicians will offer music
and song to the glory of God. We also expect that clergy will be prepared to
lead in prayer and open God’s word. In our tradition, we can identify the
“players” in the drama of worship because they stand before us at the front of
our sanctuary.
However, there are many who
serve in connection with worship that you may not have considered. For example,
each week, our media coordinator, Chris Attarian, creates the worship slides. Two
tech volunteers operate the lights, sound system and visual media at each
service. Their ministry enhances worship.
Our Sanctuary Guild keeps the
pew racks sorted out and supplied. We’re thankful to Fran Fisher, Una Couch,
Jane Tomilinson and Betty Draves who carry out this quiet ministry during the
Linda Victory cares for
worship center design, making sure that the Communion Table is set for the seasons
of the Christian year. Nancy Smail coordinates Communion supplies and the lay
readers at each service help to set out Holy Communion.
Each week the attendance
sheets are reviewed by Heather Kostov, who keeps track of our visitors, and
Heather Knop and Stacy Miller, who record worship attendance.
Three other teams of
volunteers serve on Sunday mornings. Our usher and greeter teams provide
welcome, direction and support for worship. Our accounting teams count and
record the weekly offering.
I ask for your prayers for
the many servants who contribute to lifting God through Jesus Christ in
worship. If you are interested in joining a worship support team, talk with any
church staff member.
Pastor Sherry
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