Sunday, April 19, 2015

Vital Church Initiative Vote

Ninety-nine members of Brighton, along with clergy and constituents gathered on Sunday, April 19 at noon for a Church Conference. The only item on the agenda was the Vital Church Initiative Consultation Report. The members participated in a ballot vote and accepted the report and its prescriptions, with 92 voting "yes" and 7 "no".

Rev. Mark Spaw, the presiding District Superintendent at the Church Conference said, "You'll back and remember this as a significant day in your church's history."

Beginning today, April 19, we embark on a 24 month process to enhance the strong ministry of Brighton First. We do so with a faithful congregation and gifted leadership. Most importantly, we move ahead relying on the grace of God and trusting that God is faithful.

Look to this blog for regular updates on the progress of implementing the Vital Church Initiative and keep Brighton First and its leaders in your prayers.

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