Monday, April 27, 2015

Worship Consultant

On Tuesday evening, April 28, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee will agree to contract with a worship consultant. Part of our Vital Church Initiative (VCI) plan is to hire a worship consultant by May 1.

Some have been confused about the work and tenure of a worship consultant. This person will not be a salaried part of Brighton First's staff. This person, experienced in quality worship leadership and design, will be contracted to examine our three worship services, style, content, movement, etc. He/She will offer guidance and coaching so that we might enhance worship. It is our desire that when we worship God together that it is a welcoming, inspiring, quality experience for congregation members. The worship consultant will assist us in reaching this goal.

I would also like to speak to any concern that the distinctive forms of worship we have at Brighton First will change. Our 8:00 a.m. worship service is our most "traditional", with weekly communion and the clergy in robes. Our 9:30 a.m. worship service follows the traditional format, but is more relaxed. We have a "contemporary" worship service at 11:00 a.m. The order of worship is similar to the earlier services, but prayer, scripture and preaching are "bookended" with praise songs brought to us by a band.

I do not believe that the foundational nature of each of our worship services will change. However, I am convinced that we can improve each worship service, making them more compelling and spirit-filled. This will include raising our expectations for a higher standard in quality of music, preaching and prayer. It will also mean more involvement from congregation members in leadership. We will also spend more time planning each worship service with the goal it will be a spiritual encounter with the Holy Spirit.

All of us can expect changes in worship in the coming months. Those changes will not be a complete overhaul, but by God's grace, will move us toward worship excellence, passion for God and heart-felt praise.

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