Thursday, May 7, 2015

Intentional Spiritual Practices Lead Toward Trusting in God's Grace

This morning I was with a group of clergy who were challenged with this question, "Where do you struggle to trust God's love or goodness?" I'll admit that I did not have to ponder too long before coming up with places where I have not trusted God's gracious presence. In both my vocation as a United Methodist pastor and in my personal life, I have areas where I have forgotten (or even dismissed!) God's persistent love.

The question was posed to a group of clergy who are leading churches through the Vital Church Initiative. The group, which includes Deacon Loretta Job and me, meets monthly for learning and mutual support. This month we were reminded of the transforming power of intentional spiritual practices.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, considered spiritual practices like prayer, reading the Bible, worshiping with fellow believers and participating in the sacraments of baptism and communion "means of grace". In other words, when we take on holy practices, we open ourselves to perceiving and receiving God's grace.

We were asked to fill out a questionnaire (for our reflection only) that asked about the time we spend in Bible reading, prayer and quiet time listening for God. The last question on the page was "How would Jesus describe your spiritual journey?" My answer? "You have great potential. Follow me."

It's good to do a "spiritual inventory" every so often. I helps me to see what's working and what isn't. in my spiritual life. The important step that I often neglect, however, is doing anything purposeful to change what isn't working. At the end of the session today, we were asked to commit to one action we would take based on what we'd learned.

I decided that I needed to step up my game when it comes to trusting God's love and presence every day, so I've made this commitment: Before I leave my church office for the day, I will ask, "Where have I seen or experienced the presence of God today?"

After the meeting, I went to my office, took out a sharpie marker and wrote the question on a piece of paper. I slid the paper under the glass top of the desk where I'll see it daily. I'm committed to recognizing God and God's love. In the coming days, feel free to ask me what I'm noticing at Brighton First.

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