Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thoughts from the Detroit Annual Conference: Grow Disciples-Made in Michigan

Both Brighton First clergy and laity are attending the Detroit Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church the weekend of May 14 - 17. The theme of the conference is "Grow Disciples". Speakers, including Rev. Scott Chrostek, are offering ideas for making disciples. 

It is good to be reminded about the purpose of the church, our church. We are a community of faith called to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Sometimes our clarity of purpose gets a little blurred. We may understand that the purpose of the church is to offer comfort, opportunities for service, a welcoming place for children and youth or a place to make lasting friendships. All of these things are essential to a vital church: however, Jesus named our number one purpose. Matthew 28:19 "Go and make disciples of all nations."

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