Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Intentional Discipleship Path Begins Here

Adult faith formation and sermon-based small groups begin meeting this week. When on-going classes and service groups are included, over 100 adults are participating in intentional faith formation. This is a great week for Brighton First and there is even more to be excited about.
The Tuesday morning Men with Tools begins at 8:30 with discussion and
prayer and then spends the rest of the morning on work projects.

Those who are participating, have the opportunity to intentionally grow in discipleship in five specific areas: Worship,  Hospitality, Obedience to Jesus, Living in Relationship with other Disciples and Enthusiastic Service and Generosity (WHOLE).

In September, Brighton First introduced the "WHOLE" process for intentionally growing as a disciple of Christ. Congregation members were invited to consider their place on their spiritual journey. In what ways did their lives reflect active discipleship and in what areas would they like to grow? Those curious about the path they could take used a printed chart or a web-based inventory for discernment.

The Adult Faith Formation Team then invited congregation members to choose classes, small groups, outreach teams and service groups. Many signed up for groups in which they were already participating. However, many also signed up for four new small groups, five new classes, music and service opportunities.

The plan of the Adult Faith Formation Team is to offer opportunities in every area of the WHOLE model each "trimester", making three rounds of classes and small groups available each year. In addition, there will be all-church small group studies in Advent and Lent. The "WHOLE" process is based on a three-year cycle and is an intentional plan to consistently and clearly offer opportunities to grow in faith.

The goal is to offer choices that appeal to a variety of interests and styles and, yet, point all down a path toward growing as disciples of Christ.

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