Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tom Dartt Agrees to Chair the Vital Church Initiative Implementation Team

Tom Dartt, Chairman
Tom Dartt is the chairman of the newly formed VCI Implementation Team. The purpose of the Team is to oversee and support the implementation of the Vital Church Initiative Report (You will find the VCI Report document in a link to the left of this article).

Tom was born in Perry, Michigan and lived their for the first eight years of his life. He and his family moved to the Brighton area and he graduated from Brighton High School in 2011. Tom is currently pursuing a degree in computer information systems at Washtenaw Community College. He also works for a computer information systems company as a hardware installer.

VCI Implementation Team
Tom has been attending worship at Brighton First since he was in high school. He has been involved in mission work through the church. Tom was baptized at Brighton First in 2013 and became a member of the church in April of this year.

Tom wrote, "I have a passion to be part of the change within the church. I want to be on the front lines of making sure that this process goes smoothly and that we handle this in a transparent and streamlined manner."

We are blessed that Tom has chosen to be a VCI leader.

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